You are here: Templates for joomla 3.10 Template for joomla #160 - the best responsive image slider with autoplay
New smart templates for Joomla 3.10 - professional design, multi functional layout and many opportunities
Template for joomla #160 - the best responsive image slider with autoplayLast Updated on Saturday, 30 November 2024 14:05 | Written by svtemplates | | Joomla 3.0 template #160 - the best responsive image slider with autoplay Joomla template with responsive multiple tabs and container with images caption effect Live Demo Joomla 3.x Best price on the internet: $7.99. Category: Joomla 3.x templates buy this Joomla template Template manager settings Template Features - Joomla Template compatibility: All major versions of Joomla - Joomla 3.9, Joomla 3.8, Joomla 3.7, Joomla 3.6, Joomla 3.5, Joomla 3.4, Joomla 3.3, Joomla 3.2, Joomla 3.1, Joomla 3.0, Joomla 2.5; - Responsive image slider - Options: assignment to menu items. Change of the position - top, after the top menu, bottom. Add buttons "Read more" with an option to change the position. Maximum number of sliders-10 images; - Container of 4 images and 6 mouseover effects. Options: assignment to menu items. Change of the position - top, bottom. Embed maps or youtube video; - 3 styles for layout - sidebar1/content/sidebar2, content/sidebar1/sidebar2, sidebar1/sidebar2/content; - Responsive multiple tabs container: Options- 5 tabs, add maps, add youtube videos, assignment to menu items, support mobile device; - Very nice animated *fadeInDown* scrolling effect for articles and articles images. Option - enable / disable effect. Select items from the menu to use the effect. live demo; - Responsive layout: minimal width: 768px, maximal width: 1920px; - Container with 2 columns and 5 rows to display up-to-date information. Options - enable / disable container, assignment to menu items, change of the position - top, bottom, footer; - Footer options-change the width and the basic background, add a shadow and a background image; - Css options - The templates comes with field for add custom css code; - Home page layout options: Enable / Disable Joomla articles, Replace the joomla contents with the 11 module positions/front-1, ..front-11/; - Header with headline and slogan text. Options: assignment to menu items, changing the background color, change the height of the header, change background image, change the color of the title and slogan, change the margin/top, left, right/ of the title and slogan, change font size, add title link, box shadow; - Horizontal scrolling with fixed top menu. Option: Enable / Disable fixed scrolling. Possibility to change all the colors from the top menu; - Scroll to top button. Options: Enable / Disable button, change image; - Template body options: change template width - fixed /px/ or fluid /%/, change template background, add background image. add a link to click on background image /this option is perfect for using a background image as banner/, change the size and position of the background image; - Articles options: The ability to change the background, the margin, the border, change background on mouse over.; - 107 module positions for the different types of content-photos, ads, menu, text, images, flash, banners, news, random image:live demo module positions ; - Left and right sidebars with option to change width - px or %, add block header background color, change the position - left or right of joomla articles; - Smart template for Joomla! 3.x - installation without quickstart package. The template with the option for full change. < PrevNext >
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