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Free Joomla 3 content / images slider module with touch enabled Free Joomla module - Sticky Top / Bottom Banners last added joomla templates for Joomla 3.x free download joomla 3.0 templates Latest News - Free Joomla 4.0 module Promotion on Joomla 3.10 templates
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With this Free Joomla module when you scroll down, the page contents come into the viewport with some animation effects.

How this module works. If you want to set the animated effect of the articles from the site, the module adds to them class "sv_hidden", After the article enters the window to display, it adds the “visible” class. Then with an animated effect the article is displayed to the user. This results in a delightfully animated content load.

Besides the pleasant effect, the module improves the speed of the site. This is due to the deferred display of the content for which you apply the effect.

joomla module for animated scroll loading effects

Live demo

The module options:

- Joomla compatibility: Joomla 2.5, joomla 3.0 and Joomla 4.0.

- Very nice animated effect.

- Ability to select an element of the HTML code for which to apply the effect.

- Supported in all major browsers

- Easy and fast setup. The module requires certain knowledge of its configurable.

- Friendly to mobile devices

Module settings

joomla module settings for animated scroll loading effects

- Effect for element:

In this field, you must enter the CSS selector of the element of the HTML code you want to apply the effect to.
Example: For the HTML element right sidebar with class = container-sidebar-right /If you are using Joomla 4 and Cassiopeia template/ enter its CSS selector - .container-sidebar-right.
If you want to use the effect on multiple items, use the following syntax: .divclass1, .divclass2, .divclass3, .divclass3 img

- Offset:

You can use a value(100) for px or %(10%). This parameter determines the distance between the elements to reproduce the effect.

Only for Pro version

joomla module for animated scroll loading effects for any elements

Live demo

The pro version of the module supports more than 50 effects, which can be applied on 5 html elements

Free Joomla templates - php 7

Free templates for joomla 3.10.0. Responsive design

Free Joomla 2.5, 3.0, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10 template / Live Demo

- The template is compatible with php 5.6 and 7.3. Full support for mobile devices:

- 101 module positions. Left and right sidebars with option to change width - fixed /px/ or fluid /%/.

- This template comes with: Body background slider, Slider images, Sticky to bottom container.

Free Joomla 3 content / images slider module with touch enabled Free Joomla module - Sticky Top / Bottom Banners Free Joomla template for user registration